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What is a BEP 3.0 and why should You use it for you BMW K100 or K75

2 Jan 2019
by B. Schaap

What is, and why should u use the Maru Labs BEP 3.0 unit for the BMW K100 and K75

I have build a BMW K100 RS Williams from 1988 and I have experience with the BEP 3.0. They call it the lunchbox replacement unit. 

This is because the original dashboard has the shape and size of a lunchbox. The only difference is the weight, it is much heavier and obviously there is no bread it in. 

What makes this bike so unique that you need one of these BEP units? 

The BMW K series was a very revolutionary bike. They wanted to change the market with allot of new features. For example the ABS breaking system on this bike was very innovative. 

The engine was very special for BMW because of the flat four cylinder. The original Lunchbox dashboard has a computer in it. It does much more then only indicator of lights, speedo and tacho. 

Extra functions of the dashboard: 

* it creates a circuit so your start button receives power. Why does it do this, the dashboard needs to make some checks before it will make your bike start. So it has a switch in it that will allow you start button to receive power or not. Simply said: If you do not have your dashboard on your bike will not start because your start button will not get any power to make the closed curcuit.

* Your bike will not charge up the battery if you do not have the BEP 3.0. This device closes the charging circuit. This was a function of the original dashboard.

* Your Turn signals will automatically shut off after the turn because of the BEP, Also led lights are not a problem anymore. 

* Ready to use gear indicator, because you can use indicator lights for this or the function on your new tacho/speedo.

* It has a smart system of recognizing what type of fuel indicator system your bike has and now you can also use this function if your speedo has one. 

Everything is situated in a small box that has been build for the original plug/connector of the dashboard. You do not have the use soldering or cutting/altering in your original wire harness. 

If you choose to build a BMW K serie custom bike I would strongly suggest to buy this unit. It makes everything much easier. You plug this unit in. And then you can just press in al the wires in the unit to the desired lights, switches, indicators, speedo, tacho etc…. It almost always works straight away. And if some features do not work you still need this unit for the others that do work.

I have removed the tank, under the tank is a plastic cover above the air filter housing. If you remove this plastic cover, you can create more space for the wiring harness. The wires will now go down a bit straight on the airfilterbox. It allows you to have more space for the BEP unit, nicely under the tank. Away from water etc…. Close to your speedo and al the other wires. 

One small extra tip, if you have the ABS system and you want to remove it. It is not a problem with the BEP. You can remove al the hardware and the electronic computer that goes with it. Your bike will still fully function without the ABS system! This computer is very big and on a Caferacer there is no space for this, so you do not have allot of options in this. In my opinion if definitely needs to be taken off.

I hope this information has been useful to you. I wish you allot of fun with this bike and the build. It is a very reliable and good functioning motorcycle, if you make it look cool you will have something very useful and fun that will definitely turn some heads in the streets.

You can order the BEP 3.0 underneath here:

Click here and make your build so much easier!!